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Skin Tone & Texture

Healthy skin is beautiful skin – that’s a fact, and while most of us long for a luminous, vibrant complexion, we’re often plagued with skin issues that make this goal seem hard to attain. For many reasons, skin texture can become patchy, rough, flaky, and bumpy. Uneven skin texture causes skin to look dull and may be accompanied by enlarged pores. The fact is, while smooth, luminous skin may come naturally to a select few, maintenance is an important and necessary reality for most.

What causes issues with skin texture or uneven skin tone?

Skin texture and tone can be affected in a number of ways and by a number of different issues. A lacklustre complexion is often the result of a build-up of dead skin cells in the uppermost layer of the skin. This causes skin to scatter light instead of evenly reflecting it, resulting in a loss of radiance.

Signs to Watch For:

Dry Skin
Broken Blood Vessels
Dulling Complexion
Red Blotches
Discolored Patches

What is the reason behind changes in Skin's nature?

If you are worried about your skin, then worry no more. We, here at Maison Lutétia ensure, to bring you rejuvenated and healthier-looking skin.

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and protects us from many external factors such as heat, weather, trauma, germs, and bacteria. Provided that skin takes a lot of toll from all these factors, and these effects start showing on the skin.

Moreover, hormonal changes and aging bring radical changes to the skin too. At a certain age, ideally, in the thirties, skin natural repair systems slow down just like metabolism with age. With an average fourteen-day cycle, the skin cells repair themselves.

But, after crossing thirty, the process slows down; hence start accumulating dead skin on Epidermis. Due to dead skin, the skin starts looking dull, causing skin look some toner duller than it originally was.

We'll cover everything from exfoliation
to laser treatments to help you achieve
the smooth skin

We’re passionate about restoring your skin’s tone and texture for a healthy, fresh glow you’ll feel excited about!

Frequently Asked Questions About
Skin Tone & Texture

The tone and texture of your skin can be affected by a number of factors as you go through life. Aging, sun damage, and other factors can disrupt the smooth, youthful skin you used to enjoy.


Many patients notice uneven texture or tone as they get older and the body naturally slows down its collagen production. You may notice enlarged pores, areas of discolouration, crepey skin, and rough skin patches – possibly as a result of damage or natural wear and tear.


What causes skin to change texture?
They can happen because of your genetic predisposition, or because of your lifestyle. There are a variety of skin texture changes and each person will experience individual issues, but the most common are wrinkles, scarring, pigmentation like age spots, dry skin, and rough skin

Skin tone is determined by the amount of melanin or pigment we have. Skin texture refers to our skin’s surface condition. Ideally, skin should be soft with a smooth, even texture, but it’s not uncommon to have skin that feels coarse and irregular.

Skin texture can include bumps, enlarged pores, rough patches—anything that makes your skin looks less smooth and luminous.

Melanin is produced within the skin in cells called melanocytes and it is the main determinant of the skin color of darker-skin humans. The skin color of people with light skin is determined mainly by the bluish-white connective tissue under the dermis and by the hemoglobin circulating in the veins of the dermis.

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