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Thread Lifting

A non-surgical facelift that involves the insertion of thin threads into the face and neck in order to stimulate collagen, reduce wrinkles, and contour the face. A thread lift is a procedure that uses a dissolvable suture to tighten and lift your skin. It’s a less invasive procedure than facelift surgery and can often be performed in under 45 minutes without needing to go under a scalpel. Polydioxanone (PDO) thread lifts use a biodegradable polyester suture. They’re best suited for rejuvenating your skin while some newer types of thread lifts are better at lifting sagging skin.

What makes PDO threads different?

PDO threads are one of three types of sutures commonly used in thread lift procedures. The other two types are made from polylactic acid (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCA).
PDO threads have been around the longest of the three and have been used in surgeries since the 1980s. They’re made from a color-less polyester that breaks down in your body after about 6 months.
The presence of these sutures in your skin triggers cells in your body called fibroblasts to produce more collagen. Collagen is the protein that gives your skin its structure and elasticity. Loss of collagen is one of the main causes of aging skin.

PDO threads can be further divided into three categories:

PDO Mono Threads. Smooth sutures that help rejuvenate your skin by stimulating collagen production.

PDO Cog Threads. These threads have barbs that latch into your skin like small fishhooks, to provide support and lift parts of your face.

PDO Screw Threads. Made up of one or two intertwined threads, these are used to help restore volume to sunken parts of your skin.

What areas of the face can a PDO thread lift treat

A thread lift can treat most parts of your face that are experiencing signs of aging. The areas around your cheeks, jaw, neck, and eyes are among the most commonly treated areas.

Because the results of thread lifts aren’t as drastic as the results of facelift surgeries, thread lifts are commonly used together with other anti-aging procedures such as ultherapy or dermal fillers.

Face threading is safe & effective way of treating your sagging jaws and cheeks.

How long does a PDO thread lift last?

The authors of a 2019 study Trusted Source found that a PDO thread lift caused immediate improvements in skin sagging after the procedure. However, there was a noticeable decline in results 6 months later. Improvements were no longer apparent after 1 year.

In a study Trusted Source published in Aesthetic Surgery Journal, a surgeon with 16 years of thread lift experience says he has seen results last anywhere from 1 to 9 years. Younger people tend to have results that last 3 to 4 years. Older people with poor skin volume or elasticity tend to only see benefits for 1 to 2 years.

PLA and PCA thread lifts tend to last longer since the sutures take longer to dissolve.

The procedure

You’ll likely be advised to avoid alcohol and tobacco use at least 5 days before your procedure, along with anything else that may increase the risk of bleeding or bruising, such as:

Advil and ibuprofen
Omega-3 fatty acids
Green tea or green tea extracts

On the day of your procedure, your doctor will talk you through the potential complications and give you advice about your recovery.

The exact procedure Trusted Source your surgeon will follow can vary. In general, it will probably look something like this:

1. As you sit in a reclined seat, your surgeon will disinfect your face with alcohol. They’ll apply a local anesthetic with a needle under your skin.
2. Your surgeon will make a small incision with another needle and then insert a device called a cannula into the small hole.
3. Your surgeon will anchor the thread into place and pull out the cannula.
4. They’ll finish by cutting the thread and making sure it’s secure in place.

You’ll be free to go home shortly after the procedure.

PDO thread lift recovery and aftercare

Recovery from a PDO thread lift is minimal. You may have some swelling and bruising for the first 24 to 48 hours but you can return to most of your daily routines right away.

You should avoid rubbing your face as much as possible the week after your procedure to avoid accidently dislodging the thread. You’ll also likely be advised to avoid pursing your lips, smoking, and drinking through a straw for the first several weeks.

Other activities you may want to avoid for 1 to 2 weeks include sleeping on your side, intense exercise, and visiting saunas. Sleeping with your head propped on a pillow can help you avoid accidentally rolling onto your face during the middle of the night.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Thread Lifting

Almost any part of your body and face can be effectively treated with laser hair removal. These include the following areas:

– Legs
– Bikini Line
– Public area
– Abdomen
– Back
– Chest
– Forearms
– Underarms
– Neck
– Chin
– Scalp

A thread lift is ideal for tightening the skin and repositioning the skin volume. After local anesthesia, special sutures are inserted into the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the desired area of the face. After anchoring, the threads in the facial area are stretched and the face is reshaped.

The gentle procedure leaves no scars and does not require a scalpel or extensive follow-up treatment. Areas such as the face, cheeks, neck, chin, eyebrows and the corners of the mouth can be tightened painlessly with the gentle treatment method of thread lifting.

Basically, the gentle thread lift is ideal for women between 35 and 80 years. The natural lifting effect is achieved without a scalpel and has a rejuvenating effect of about ten years.

A thread lift ideally produces an immediate tightening effect. The skin already looks naturally rejuvenated after the first treatment. However, the natural effect increases from month to month as new connective tissue is formed. Experience has shown that the tightening effect intensifies after the procedure. The effect of a thread lift usually lasts for one to two years.

The placement of the stitches is not noticeable under the local anesthesia and usually does not leave annoying scars. The thread lift activates the production of collagen and regenerates your skin.

Be sure to shave the target area the morning of or the day before your treatment, leaving the hair no longer than 2 millimetres. Shaving removes the majority of hair but leaves a small portion in the follicle to absorb the laser energy. Cleanse your skin with soap and water, and do not use any lotion, deodorant or perfume on the area.

The thread components used by the specialists at Dermacare for the thread lift are degradable or non-degradable, depending on the type of thread. The degradable threads are completely absorbed by the body and are biocompatible. PLLA or polylactic acid is a widely used agent in the pharmaceutical and medical field.

The treatment takes between 20 and 40 minutes. After the thread lifting, it is recommended to rest. To be noted: A thread lift cannot restore the skin’s former elasticity. It serves only to tighten the skin. The tightening effect usually sets in after two to three days and usually lasts for 9 to 15 months.

Generally, no. After the thread lift, regular cooling with cooling pads is advisable. Ideal is 20 minutes every hour on the first day of the thread lifting. To combat pain, it is advisable to take an analgesic such as paracetamol.

However, you should be careful not to make any violent or strong facial or neck movements within the next 14 days. After two days you are already socially acceptable again.

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